Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finding Christmas

After the wonderous last few months we've had, you'd find it hard to believe that I'm having trouble 'getting into the spirit.' But I am.... and it has nothing to do with the Spirit, if you know what I mean. It has to do with everything else.

And everything else just happens to include the massive consumerism taking place negating the real reason for Christmas, the insane increase in the amount of blow-up yard ornaments while the number of manger scenes dwindles, the children in Target crying "I want, I want" when there are so many children just crying for a meal to fill their empty stomachs.

All of this, is keeping me out of the Christmas Spirit. Would I feel this way if I didn't have Gabe? I think so. I think this journey God has placed me on; opening my eyes (and heart) to the world around me would've changed me whether I was a mom or not.

Realizing how blessed I am has not only made me extraordinary grateful but also dealt me a handful of guilt. Guilt over all of the material things I have that I never use or wear. Guilt over all the instances I thought I desperately needed something when it was just a want. Guilt that I have way more than I need but still want more.

But this guilt is a good thing; it has made me aware. More aware of all of my many blessings. Better aware of the life I want to lead and the life I want Gabe to live. I want Gabe to know the true meaning of Christmas. Presents are fun, food is yummy and it's great to be with family... but I want Gabe to always know why we celebrate Christmas.

His little shirt from Faith Baby is a good reminder:

and we're working on finding and implementing other Christmas traditions - traditions that still allow Gabe to be a child relishing in the spirit of Christmas while always using Jesus' birthday as the only reason we celebrate.

Hoping you and yours are having a wonderful Advent season.

Love & Blessings,


Dardi said...

Love that shirt!! Even cuter is that handsome boy wearing it!

This journey is something, isn't it? Thank God He continues working in us, huh? Hope you get to stay snuggled in on this snowy, windy day with your little guy!

Blessings ~ Dardi

Josh Wall said...

Could not have said it better myself Meredith!!! Here's hoping that we never confuse the secular with the spiritual when it comes to the birth of our Lord.
