Sunday, April 24, 2016

It is well.

We always seem to do things full steam ahead in our household; we believe big life changes should happen in pairs at the minimum.  The week Gabriel was born we moved into a new house and I quit my job.  Most people tend to do these things one at a time, but for some reason we seem to do things with the mantra "Go big or go home."   And you know what, it works for us.  

So when we saw Lili's face and knew that an inevitable move was also in the future, we were all systems go.  We knew there would be time constraints, financial challenges and extra paperwork chases but deep within us, we knew she was our daughter and worth any extra hoops we had to jump through.  

And then we moved.  
Across the country.  
Back to Houston.  
But this time as a family of 5 instead of a family of 3.  
And everything was different. 

The boys and I stayed in a hotel the first night here as all of our belongings were arriving the next day.  We woke up ready to head to our new home and the first song that played on the radio was Audrey Assad singing "It is Well."  And honestly, at that point nothing felt well.  I was excited yet anxious, nervous and afraid to start this new adventure.  But these words rolled over me

When peace like a river, attendeth my way. 
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well.  It is well, with my soul. 

and have been on repeat in my heart as we navigated our new life here.  Securing pediatricians, setting up therapists, figuring out a new home school routine kept us busy those first few weeks here.  We returned back to Ohio for Christmas and came home on New Years day.  We've been welcomed back into the fold at our old church, joined the YMCA where the boys are doing soccer, baseball and swim lessons.  

Life is moving on here in Houston.  It's moving on back home in Ohio as well.  My lovely Megan's sweet baby Matthew was an itty one when we left and is now on the verge of walking.  It makes me teary just how quickly our little ones are growing up.  Cousins and friends are getting older, relationships change and things that once were, are no longer.  But my heart song, it has remained steadfast.  

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let his blessed assurance control, 
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, 
And hath shed His own blood for my soul. 
It is well, with my soul. 
It is well, with my soul. 
It is well, it is well, with my soul.  

Last week we received China's approval to adopt Lili; and for the first time in months I went through all of the information we have on her.  It's very slim but as the doctor dictated how he removed her right eye I found myself weeping.  What a traumatic thing for anyone to go through, let alone a toddler without a mama and daddy to hold her.  I can't even imagine how scary it was for her to wake up to a world of blackness.  I'm so grateful for the people that were there for her then and have been loving her since but nothing can replace the love of parents.  

Realistically we could be looking at Travel Approval in the next 6-8 weeks.  It seems so close yet so far away at the same time.  In an instant sometime in late June or early July we will become a family of 6.  The boys will have a sister and we will have a daughter.  Just like that our worlds will change.  I don't speak Mandarin, Lili doesn't speak English and neither of us know Braille.  We are going in with eyes wide open, we know it won't be easy but just as Samsel clings to my neck in the morning and Thomas impulsively gives us hugs now, we know it will all be worth it.  Love.  Sometimes it comes all at once but more often than not it comes slowly. We've learned that with enough patience, reassurance and steadfast presence, the deep seeded knowledge that you are loved and can love will come. 

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole, 
Is nailed to the corss, and I bear it no more, 
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 
It is well, with my soul. 
It is well, with my soul. 
It is well, it is well, with my soul.  

Q: Are you ready to parent a blind child
A.  Not yet, but we'll learn.
Q: Don't you already have your hands full?
A.  Yes, we do.  Our hands, along with our hearts will just be a bit fuller now.
Q: Another special needs child?
A.  The biggest special need of any child is the need for a family.
Q Are you sure your ready?
A.  I don't think anyone can ever be fully prepared to become a parent whether it's through birth or adoption or for the first time, fourth time or tenth time.  The only thing that is certain is that neither Lili nor any other child is ever ready to be an orphan. 

These are all questions I've been asked recently and repeatedly.  We don't have all the answers, no parent has all the answers. What we do have is a few certainties.  
1.  As a couple, we believe that adoption is the best way for us to grow our family and we are definitely ready to grow again. 
2.  As a family, the boys are so excited to have a sister.  Thomas and Gabe constantly talk about all the ways they're going to help Lili.  Ask Samsel about Lili and he'll tell you she's in China. 
3.  Adoption isn't for everyone, but it is for us.  And we truly believe that this is a calling on our lives given to us by God.  

So when I lay in bed at night exhausted from a day with my sweet boys, or from a week of Matt being out of town and my mind fails to slow down with the 100s of questions that keep me up at night... I still feel enveloped in peace. Enveloped in His peace, in His grace and His love.  And as my eyes flutter shut, I can still say

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, 
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul. 
It is well, with my soul. 
It is well, it is well, with my soul.  

 Don't forget we have t-shirts on sale to help bring our sweet Lili home.  It's a presale and the sale ends April 30!  Thank you for your support! 

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