Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bigger than Godzilla

"I know whatever's going to happen that God can handle it"

Gabe loves Veggietales.  
Especially Junior Asparagus.
God is Bigger than the Boogeyman is his favorite song.
Matt and I have to sing it every night when we tuck him into bed.
Every. Single. Night.
And sometimes God uses a children's song to speak directly to my heart.

I don't believe in the boogeyman.
But my pain.
My anger.
My confusion.
God can handle it. 

One day Gabe won't be so camera shy and I'll have to share our sweet boy singing about God being bigger than Godzilla.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Brown's Town

A few weeks ago a flier at Gabe's 'extra' OT session caught my eye.  It was an invitation to a closed practice at the Cleveland Brown's training camp.  In collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital, the Cleveland Browns closed their afternoon practice to the public and opened it to patients and their family. 

The night before we used Gabe's birthday money and bought him a Joe Thomas jersey.  He was so excited to wear his FOOTBALL shirt Wednesday morning.
Gabe and I had a few extra tickets so Papo, Jacob and Sam came with us.
Probably my favorite picture of the day.  A Papo and his boy.
We had so much fun!  There was a  nice tent set up to keep the sun off of us, a refreshment stand, games to play and great seats to watch the practice. 

Closing training camp to the public provided room for children in wheel chairs to have access to the fence. 
Closing training camp to the public allowed children who have sensory issues to be in a less hectic atmosphere.
Children with compromised immune systems were able to enjoy Training Camp without the risk of being around too many people.  And if they still needed to wear a mask, there was no one to look at them like they were out of place because masks are common things at the children's hospital and rehab facilities.
Closing training camp to the public afforded children who just want to be kids the opportunity to just be kids.

Trying to copy the Brown's players above.

This truly was a great experience.  We feel so fortunate for the opportunity afforded to us by the Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Browns.  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Life Song for Orphans: An Update and Child Sponsorship.

13-8 MM Email

Thankfulness. We honored to stand beside so many of you in your faithful service to God and His call to love and care for the orphan. Join us in praising God for the work that He continues to do through the Church!

Listen in on HIS provision in Honduras and the opportunity to join the work through sponsorship...

Centro Vida Construction Complete - HONDURAS

Please enjoy this video featuring Honduras' brand new multi-purpose building, Centro Vida, which includes assembly space as well as a large kitchen. This building is just part of the incredible work going on in Honduras to equip over 575 vulnerable children & young adults with not only the Gospel, but hope for a future!
It's exciting to see Centro Vida's completion on Plan Escalon's 25th anniversary of serving orphans and vulnerable children.

Want to see more updates at Plan Escalon? Check out the kitchen renovation video thanks to the amazing help from our partners at Retail Orphan Initiative.


When choosing a sponsor child, Vicki noticed that Lesly was an older student, but in a younger grade. Vicki intentionally chose to sponsor Lesly, understanding that something had happened in her life to cause her to fall behind. She wanted Lesly to know she cared and believed in her.
Listen in as Vicki, member of Retail Orphan Initiative, meets the students she sponsors at Plan Escalon and the impact that it is making not only in her heart, but in the heart of her sponsored children...

Read more about Child Sponsorship...

What Child Sponsorship is All About -- Beautiful story of a sponsor child moved to tears and prayer when he heard that his sponsor was in a car accident. Read more

Be a Light Through Sponsorship -- Read a post from Lifesong's summer blog series featuring Sponsorship. Read more

Dear _____, I love you. -- JB, student at Lifesong Liberia, wrote to a sponsor he did not yet have. Fill in the blank for JB! Read more

"I will not stop serving the Lord" -- Watch the testimony of the life of Haggai, student of Lifesong Zambia. Watch Video

Breaking the Cycle in Ukraine -- Natasha's life and future was changed by the mentorship she found through Lifesong Ukraine. Watch Video to hear her story.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bike Riding

Gabe became very good at riding a bike this summer.  He practiced at therapy and he practiced at home.  Nonnie's friend at work let him borrow a bicycle from their schools therapy room and we were sad to see it have to go back. 

While Gabe's bicycle riding skills have gotten better, this mama is still a little paranoid even with his helmet on so we didn't get many pictures of this latest feat.  Daddy was home on the last night Gabe had his bike and he did the stay-super-close-to-the-bike-so-meredith-doesn't-worry thing and I snapped a few photo's.  

It seems impossible that the sweet little baby we held in our arms four years ago is now a big boy riding a tricycle.  Isn't his gleeful smile in the last photo just precious?  I sure do think so.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pint Sized Grocery Buggy's

Years ago I would walk through Trader Joes and see little ones with their parents.  Unlike other grocery stores, Trader Joe's provides mini buggy's for little shoppers to use.  I'd see little children pushing a buggy and think one day... one day we'll have a little one who will push their own buggy while we shop.  

And Thursday, that one day was here.  A quick trip into the grocery store was made a lot more memorable when Gabe wanted to walk and push a buggy.  

He was a little reckless plowing through the aisles but kind enough to say "excuse me" rather than his usual "watch out."  And the staff at Trader Joes was awesome.  We're here about once a week so I'm certain they recognize our blond haired little boy and he's usually sitting in his buggy.  Gabe received two "good job big boys" from the staff and a kind, silver haired woman told him he was doing a great job "helping his mommy." 

I was one very proud mommy.  My boy was walking, pushing his grocery buggy and he was kind.  

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Turning 4 (Part 2)*

 The Party Scene!

 The bounce house!

The rest of the party!

Gabe's party in summary.  Best.  Party. Ever!

*sorry for the picture overload - ha!