Thursday, May 7, 2009

Waiting is the Hardest Part

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part...

Tom Petty sure had that right. I'm not a very impatient person, but I'm not doing a good job being patient as we wait right now.

Now we're a couple of weeks in the waiting process; each day I pray that MCB (adoption attorney) will call and say she has a birth mother that would like to meet with us. Less frequently, but still almost daily, I pray that Pastor Bill will call and say that he has a birth mother that would like to meet us. I know that we've just begun the waiting game of the adoption process, I would just prefer not to have to wait much longer. I think that that's probably the wish of every perspective adoptive couple though.

We've made a little bit of progress in furthering our goal to get our story and names out there. Matt and I designed business cards with our information and leave them in different places we go too. We've also given a bunch to our families so that our story can be spread to the different places that they frequent as well. Anybody else want some to pass out; leave at restaurants or slip in library books?

I also started a facebook account, per MCB's suggestion. was her other suggestion, but... the monthly fee was a bit more than we expected. To be honest, I didn't expect a fee at all... but I suppose everything does have a price. Anybody else have any suggestions, anything you used? Our lawyer said if our wait became too long that she's had clients put ads in papers, on billboards, etc. I don't feel that we're at that point yet, and I pray that we don't have to wait that long to get to that point.

Speaking of prayer...did you know that today marks the first time since 1952 when President Truman signed it into law that the National Day of Prayer was not recognized by the president. A paper proclomation was made early this morning but for the 1st time ever there was no public event, no White House prayer, no interfaith outreach, nothing. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Open the paper, turn on the t.v. or log onto the internet and it's pretty obvious the perils this country is facing... I wonder what we'd be facing as a country if we embraced prayer instead of scorn, love instead of judgement? Who knows, just a thought. I suppose it's a good thing that places like these:

Pray for Me

are on the internet, so that people that want to pray have somewhere to congregate; a community of people to care and pray for one another. Like we all couldn't use a few more people praying for us, hehe!

Love & Blessings, Meredith


Becky said...

If you'd like to email or snail mail some cards to us, I'd be more than happy to post them somewhere! We are praying for you guys.

The Gayden's said...

Saw your comment on our blog..Thanks for your prayers. You will be in my prayers as well. I will also follow you so I can continue to keep updated in my prayers.
Thank for you compliment :)

Clickin Mama J said...

Hi there-

This is my first time visiting your blog. Came from His will Wednesday. I remember how hard the wait was for my son! I did the business cards and handing out of profiles too. Honestly sharing your story with friends and family is the best. I do get calls occasionally from the adoption agency I used about available babies. But I'm not ready to match again yet. My son is only 1. If you want I'd be willing to pass on your info the next time I get a call. Feel free to email me at jwagoner at cableone dot net or visit my blog.

I'll be praying you get the call soon!
