Friday, December 18, 2009


Hi guys, it's me, Gabe! I always see my Mama typing or reading on the 'puter thing and figured I'd give it a try. According to my parents, today is a big day. Honestly, being this little everyday feels like a big day but they're older, bigger and maybe a little bit smarter (for now) so I'll just take their word for it.

Today I'm 4 months old, and from what little mathematical skills I have attained thus far, I know it means I've been alive for 1/3 of a year. And boy has it been a busy year. It may seem that alls I do is eat, sleep and cuddle but let me tell you, there are some really unrealistic expectations in this big ole world.

First, I'm supposed to drink this white, stinky stuff they call milk. Now, I've seen my Daddy's milk and while they look the same I do NOT think we're drinking the same stuff. And on top of that, they changed the 'milk' I was drinking and while this new 'soy milk' makes me a lot less scratchy and my poops more normal (uh-oh, Mama said that I'm not supposed to share things like that, something about too much information. Oh well, Daddy said its okay for boys to talk about poop) it smells even worse than the first stuff they fed me! Everyone always comments on how big I am and that I don't miss a meal, what they don't realize is I just drink it as fast as I can to get the torture over with. I can't wait to drink milk like Daddy... and eat chips. Daddy's chips always look so good.

Okay, I went off on a little tangent there, but back to all these unrealistic expectations. Number two is the fact that everyone kisses my cheeks. I know I'm super cute and my cheeks are too, but give me a break people, unless cannibalism is an eacceptable practice here - please stop eating my cheeks!

And my Mama and Daddy expect me to do this exercise called tummy time. I think I do a great job at it, but they always push for me to do it longer and longer. I wonder how they would do laying on their belly's with only my little arms to push them up. I do it because, well, I think this is just one of those arguements I'll let them win; just picking my battles. Helps them get some confidence in their parenting skills too.

One area I will NOT let them win... is sleep. How dare they expect me to sleep in my craddle all night long when they're sleeping in this big soft bed. And, to top it off, they expect me to sleep alone! I know, I know, you're probably as stunned as I am. So, after a few hours of sleep I usually wake up and get Mama. Sometimes, I try to get tricky, and give her something called 'false hope' and sleep in my crib for most of the night. But most of the time I get lonely and just want some company. She's wrapped so tightly around my little finger that it only takes a few whimpers and then she holds me. Mama says she doesn't want me to wake Daddy up cause he's gotta go work at the mill all day but I know better; she likes to cuddle too. And, if I can be completely honest, (but don't tell her) I like to take advantage of this whole wrapped-around-the-finger thing for as long as possible.

Another unrealistic expectation they have is for me to wear these pirate patches. I'm not sure what they're really called but Mama always calls me her little pirate when I wear them. Let me tell you why these pirate patches are so awful. First, they block my eye that sees real well and second they itch. I'm getting pretty smooth at taking them off, but alas, each time I take it off, they put a new one. And, while I can't tell time yet, I think they're making me wear them longer now. I'm not sure how, or when, but I'm gonna win this pirate patch battle.

Besides the afforementioned 'issues' I think life is going pretty well. Actually, I love life - I spend all day smiling, giggling and having fun. If I had to write a personal ad for myself, I think it'd say something like "Male, short and cute with a sweet, toothless smile. Lover of snuggling, the color lime, wrist rattles and riding in a sling. Enjoys reaching and grasping, kicking my legs, reading books. Dislkes 'milk,' sleep and pirate patches."

On more serious note...thanks for letting me talk to you and also, thanks for all the prayers! Mama always says that there is a whole world of people out 'there' (not sure where though) praying for me. She says it because of all these prayers and God that I continue to be the miracle that I am. Hence, the shirt I'm wearing in my 4 month picture. I'm not sure how or when, but one of these days I'm going to choose what Mama wears. She says I look cute, but sometimes I think she has just a little too much fun picking out what I wear.

Have a great Christmas. It's my first Christmas and from everything I've learned about Christmas... this is a BIG deal.

Hopefully I'll be able to talk to you guys again soon. If Mama will let me.... pick your battles Gabe, pick your battles.

Love, Mr. Cuteness Himself

All these pictures could wear a boy out!


Unknown said...

Best blog update ever. Good job Gabriel!!!

Baby Gabriel's Super Uncle

Unknown said...
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Luke H. said...

Hilarious! Great job, I Loved it! :)

Anna H. said...

Wow, you have the best Momma--and she even lets you write all that. Great vocabulary too ;) Truly the cutest baby ever!