Sunday, April 18, 2010

8 Months


Did you know I only call you "Gabriel" when I want you to stop crying and let me go potty/brush my teeth/have 35 seconds to myself. The rest of the time I call you Gabe. I'm not entirely sure why, but as you've grown and developed your personality, you just really seem like a Gabe to me! But regardless of what I call you, Gabriel, Gabe, Gaby baby, my little moosh-moosh (daddy hates that!) I love you bunches!

I can hardly believe that you're 8 months old already, two-thirds of a year old! It's crazy how quickly the time goes by - it seems like it was just yesterday that we were swaddling you in a blanket. I can only imagine the stink you'd give if we tried to swaddle you now. Because now, you are a mover and a shaker. You're not yet crawling or rolling regularly but you love to move: to bounce, stand, dance and move those arms and legs! And while you're not crawling yet you have begun to use your hands to push yourself around. Distance isn't your forte yet, but I'm just waiting for the day I turn my back on your for a minute and come back and you've disappeared!

While I find it hard to believe you're 8 months old already I am so thrilled about how you are growing and thriving. When I think back to the fact that some doctors didn't think you're life would be worth living; I shudder in fear but rejoice in the fact that Miss B chose life and marvel at how wonderful you're doing!

You're hitting your developmental milestones perfectly: some early, some on time and some a little late. However, milestones, while important are not what life's all about. It's about the love, laughter and learning you will do and bring others. And Gabe, boy have you brought your Daddy and I more than are fair share of those. We couldn't love you more and your silly faces, mischievous antics and Thomas-LaGorga like tendencies crack us up. Babies, especially you Gabe, are great educators of life's important lessons. You've taught me (and your daddy) so much in these past 8 months it's unreal. You've taught us about unconditional love, patience, perseverance and what the important things in life. Sleep-deprived productivity, removing bm (poop) stains from diapers and dancing to anything that makes music are others things we've had the privilege to learn from you! Thanks Gabe, you're a great teacher!

Along with teaching you're a great learner too. You've learned how to fake cough, eat Mum-mum's, hold a sippy cup the right way, roll from front to back, bang everything and anything to make loud noises and fake laugh all in the past month!

Along with learning you've tried lots of new foods; tons of veggies, yo'baby yogurt, happy baby puff s (which you don't like), fruits and even diced banana's. While your sippy cup is your least favorite way to drink and your bottle is your most favorite you've recently decided you like to drink from a cup. Whenever Daddy and I have a cup in our hands, you open your mouth and lap your tongue like a puppy, telling us you want a drink too.

My favorite new thing of the month is kisses! You love to give kisses - big, wet, open mouth kisses! They're the best kisses ever! At first we weren't sure that you were doing it on purpose, but now you'll even spit your binky out if you want a kiss! It's the cutest thing ever!
Gabe these past 8 months have been the best ones yet. Filled with more love, smiles and sheer exhaustion I could ever imagine. But every sleepless night is more than worth it when I get to see your smile in the morning. You may actually just be laughing at my exhausted state of mind, but it's a smile nonetheless!

Happy 8 months Gaby baby... can't wait to see what you learn by month 9!
Gabe's silly face:

And his excited face....

Reaching for the paper...

And eating the paper....

Playing tug-of-war with your 8 month sign with Daddy:

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