Monday, April 12, 2010

Eye Surgery (#1?)

Friday started when the alarm went off at 4:15 signalling time to shower and get ready for Gabe's surgery. Gabe snuggled in bed with Matt while I got ready and then he had a bottle... and not a bottle of formula like he was hoping, but of an apple juice - water combination. But Gabe was a trooper and drank it down.

Out the door at 5:15 brought us to the hospital shortly before check-in time at 6:00 am. They handed us our pager, I filled out a few papers and we were off to our room. Gabe was quickly changed into a hospital gown and nurses, anesthesiologists and Dr. R came in and out a few times getting us ready.
Rocking and singing a few songs helped keep the hunger away for Gabe and the tears at bay for his Mama. One of the doctors came in and drew a smiley face above Gabe's right eye... so that there was no confusion which eye they'd be operating on! He's showing off doing his silly face while Daddy takes a picture of his smiley face. All dressed up and no where to go, hehe! I'm in my doctor attire so that I can accompany Gabe to the OR. My mom (Gabe's Nonnie) accompanied us to the hospital to provide moral support, distract us and of course, provide the Starbucks! Unlike with his MRI, Gabe fought going to sleep, did not think the mask was fun and looked scared. After falling asleep and a quick kiss on his forehead I was escorted out of the room. Me, Matt and my mom made our way to the waiting room where they went to look for something to drink and I began the waiting game.
An hour and a half later, Dr. R came out and found us. Dr. R said surgery went well and Gabe was a champ. I love how he always calls Gabe a champ. Because he is! Any child that has to go through anything like this is certainly a champ. We had to wait for our pager to go off and then we walked back to Recovery.
This is what we saw when we walked in the recovery room.... poor baby Gabe sleeping on his side. They didn't want us to touch or hold him; I think that was part of his demise when he woke up in a strange place and couldn't see his Mama or Daddy. And unlike his MRI where he woke up quickly and happily, this time Gaby baby was unhappy and in pain. Hearing him cry like he's never cried before broke our hearts.
The nurses were great, quickly brought us juice that he did not want. Until he was allowed to have a formula bottle (about an hour later) Gabe switched between sobbing loudly and whimpering quietly in my arms. Again, more heartbreak for this mama who could do nothing but hold him, rock him and sing his favorite songs.
After eating some of a regular bottle, Gabe perked up enough for them to release us. And then the best thing happened... once Gabe was in his car seat he gave us one of his smiles. It was like he knew he was going home and that was good for him.
For the rest of Friday Gabe stayed snuggled in some one's arms and slept most of the day. Between doses of Motrin and Tylenol he seemed comfortable and just plain old happy to be home! Saturday he had a final dose of Motrin, headed out to breakfast at First Watch (where he ate banana's for the first time - a post to come on that!) and just spent a quiet day at home.
Gabe really was a trooper through all of this and albeit a still slightly swollen and red eye he's doing great! We are so proud of how brave and strong he was (and is) because I'm pretty sure I'd still be miserable if I had someone moving around the muscles in my eye.
And hopefully this surgery will be completely successful and Gabe won't have to have this surgery ever (or at least not for a very long time) again! But the post is entitled "Eye Surgery (#1?)" because it may (probably) be the first in a series of surgeries. Would you join us in praying for Gabe: that his eye continues to heal, that this surgery worked and that it even helps raise his eye lid some?
It'd be great if this surgery corrected all of the problems, but realistically Gabe will have another surgery in the not-so-distant future. And just like this time, your prayers and the loving hand of our Father will carry us through again.
Love & Blessings!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Glad things went well. That is the hardest thing watching them go through tough stuff like this and feeling like you can't do much. Our daughter had eye surgery when she was young and I remember when she came out of the surgery she cried the loudest most heart breaking cry we had never heard. The minute we left the hospital she was fine. They know where there security is that is for sure.
Prayers are with you.