Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another Wednesday Meeting

And following the trend of meeting with our lawyer on Wednesdays (or every other Wednesday) we met with MCB this afternoon. It was a wonderfully productive meeting and now we are armed with all of the information needed to finish our life book. And that means, after we've put it together, we'll show MCB the finished product for one last check (she is our life book expert) and then we'll haul it off to Kinko's to get copied and then we'll be ready to go! Not that we aren't already totally ready to adopt RIGHT NOW, but we'll be officially ready! Exciting, isn't it?

I'm so excited to scrapbook our life book, if anyone has made one before and has any pointers, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Love & Blessings,


Becky said...

That's so exciting!! :-) I don't know that you have any interest, but if you do, I could email you the profile that we did prior to adopting our daughter. I'm excited for you to be nearing another milestone in your journey!

Tanya said...

Congratulations on your life book. You are in my prayers.