Saturday, August 4, 2012

Big Boy, Little Boy

Moving to Houston meant we would be missing out on a lot of different things.   One of the things I was particularly distressed about missing was the birth of my lovely Megan's baby boy Eli.  Meg did manage to give birth to him on my birthday which seems trivial but is so special to me.

And even though we don't see Eli often we love him tons.  And his mama and daddy. 

The first time  I met Eli was when we were home for Christmas and some how in my excitement I forgot to take pictures.  The next time was at Meg's house and she took pictures, but I forgot.  Again.  This summer though, I was ready.  We went to the beach, my camera was ready but Gabe had a complete meltdown and we had to go back to my parents.  But we had one more chance!  My mom was going to watch Gabe and Eli so Meg, Steve, Matt and I could go out to dinner.  Before leaving Gabe and Eli had their picture taken.  Many, many times. 

They were too cute. I just love them tons.   And Gabe's sweetness for Eli gives me a little peace that the boss man of our house will love when his little brother (or sister) comes home!

I'm pretty crazy about these boys.  I love them tons.  I feel super blessed that one belongs to me and I'm an "auntie" to the other. 

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