Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Difficult Question

Alternately entitled "The post where you learn more about me."

Today Matt asked me an almost impossible question to answer. And believe me, I've had lots of people ask me questions in my 20-some years, but this was one of the hardest.

Some of the less difficult questions to answer:

Will you go to prom with me? (I had to say no because I hoped someone else would ask.)
What college are you going too? (That was kind of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants answer)
What's your favorite smoothie? (Banzai Blueberry from Robeks)
Why adopt? (umm... because God told us too)
Why Ethiopia (umm.. again because God laid it on our hearts to adopt from there).

See, easy questions?

And then Matt asked me this: If you could have either the British vernacular version of the Harry Potter books or a Kindle, what would you choose. Holy Cow!!! What a questions. Don't you see the dilemma?
Let's back track. I love to read. Love, love, love to read!!! Fiction, nonfiction, classical novels, sci-fi, books about adoption, raising kids and cook books. Pre-Gabe I used to devour books weekly. On a boring Saturday, I could often finish two novels as well as iron all our work clothes. But now, I have less time to read (unless it's board books) and while I used to carry around 3 or 4 books at all time, now I carry around diapers, wipes, sippy cups and toys.

And I wouldn't trade it for the world. But I digress.

So, as a junior in high school I found a book at the front of the library and as my book bag wasn't completely filled up yet, I picked it up. What book was that, you ask. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. And I fell in love. I loved J.K.'s brilliant style of writing and spent hours dreaming about going to Hogwarts myself or being friends with Hermione (both the brainy nerds). And while I was ecstatic when Book 7 came out, I was also devastated. Devastated that my journey with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna (have to love Luna!) was coming to an end. So devastated that while reading a more dramatic part of the book Matt had the unfortunate experience of calling me. I was crying so hard he thought somebody had died. And he hung up on me when he found out I was crying about Harry Potter.

Needless to say I love me some Harry Potter.

But, now that my bag is full of all the Gabe-things, I don't have room to carry a book around. And that is where the Kindle comes in. A few years back when they first came out, I fell in love. With each additional model that came out, my affection grew deeper.
And then Matt asked me the unanswerable question... and I have no idea what my answer would be. Do I further my love affair for all things Harry Potter or do I delve into the world of the Kindle and have 1000's of books at my disposable?

Decisions, decisions, decisions!!! I'm just lucky he didn't add a third option to further my agony (3rd option - grey, medium height UGGS, another thing I don't need but love).
So there you have it... I'm a closet nerd (actually most people know I'm a tad bit nerdy) and proud!


Unknown said...

Unfortunately, I don't share your love of reading. But, I'd have to say the "smart" option, coming from a non-reader, would be the Kindle! Lots more options and more "bang for your buck"!

Let us know what you decide!

Alison said...

I am a bookworm too! LOVE to read! I think that is one reason I love the blog world so reading everyone's stories! :)