Wednesday, December 22, 2010


No one has ever become poor by giving. Anne Frank

Dear Anonymous,

A few weeks ago we were notified by our adoption agency that you gave a donation to them to be put towards our adoption fund. Quickly we emailed them back asking who donated it and waited for their response. The response we received was that the giver wanted to remain anonymous.

While I respect your desire to remain anonymous I hate the fact that we can't thank you; that I can't send you a thank you card or wrap my arms around you in a heartfelt hug. So, I will thank you the only way I know how, on our blog; the blog about our journey through adoption and our life.

Your generosity was so kind and we are so grateful. Your sacrificial giving brought us that much closer to our little one 7,333 miles away. I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver - Maya Angelou

Although we don't know who you are, God does and I'm sure He'll find a way to let you know just how grateful we are.

Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. 1 John 3:17

With immense gratitude,

Matt & Meredith

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