Friday, June 22, 2012

We made it!

I always use my GPS to get to and from downtown.  I was pretty certain I'd be able to do it but liked the security of the GPS.  Gabe and I went down to the Childrens Museum today and like always my trusty GPS led there with no problems (except being stuck in the never ending, super ridiculous amount of traffic).  However, in our haste to get out of the car and into the museum I forgot to take the GPS off the dashboard and 2 1/2 hours later it was HOT!  So hot it wouldn't even turn on.  I'll admit, I started to get nervous but figured I'd try to get from Binz Road to Texas Childrens West for Gabe's therapy appointment today.  And we made it!  We managed the crazy afternoon traffic and made our way over the highways, past the wide loads escorted by police officers and around traffic cones! 

Gabe had a great time at the children's museum and then was a little rock star at therapy!  With all that fun I think he'll sleep very well tonight.  One can always hope!

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