Monday, April 25, 2011

CIMT - check!

Friday was Gabe's last day of Constraint Induced Movement Therapy. And while in many ways it was a long 3 weeks (waking up early, the drive, Gabe hating stretching his left shoulder), it was so worth it.

Gabe worked so hard and it has been so amazing and rewarding to see him use his left hand. After months of his arm being stiff, tucked and ignored, Gabe now attempts to use lefty when prompted by someone and occasionally on his own.

I am so proud of how hard Gabe worked during CIMT and although the intensive part is done, we still have a lot of work to do. Daily constraint therapy at home, stretching and brushing lefty and lefty jobs will be the regimen to help lefty to continue to grow and develop. What are lefty jobs you ask. "Lefty jobs" are things Gabe must do with his left hand. Activities that he will be successful at, gain confidence with and continue to strengthen his left side. Eating his favorite snack, Annie's Graham Cracker Bunnies and turning pages in books are 2 of Gabe's left handed jobs. Gabe also needs to use lefty as a help; when he's crawling, drinking from his cup, playing with toys we'll work to keep lefty involved and in Gabe's frame of reference so he continues to use it.

So while we're thrilled with Gabe's progress, we still have a ways to go. But with practice and Gabe's perseverance, it may not be a piece of cake, but he'll get there. And we'll cheer him on as we go!

Now for the pictures; Gabe's last week in CIMT in review:

All smiles while in the waiting room...

Stretching to reach the pin wheel!

Racing to remove the pegs. Miss Jessie was great at making work seem like fun!

Working out on the swing...

Working with the cast off! Drinking from a cup with lefty helping!

Using righty and lefty to pull putty.

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