Thursday, May 17, 2012

8 months waiting

Sunday marked 8 months waiting for a referral of our little one.  The wait is hard, yet necessary.
Biblically, waiting is not just something
we have to do until we get what we want.
Waiting is part of the process of becoming
what God wants us to be.
 - John Ortberg


Alison said...

LOVE that quote!!! Exactly along the same lines of what God has been teaching me lately. We are at 20 months on the wait list today!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the long wait is a sign that you shouldn't be adopting from Ethiopia, aka adoption /corruption /human trafficking heaven!! You must be thrilled to be spending $40k to personally fund these evils!!

Rebecca said...

This is one of my very favorite songs in the whole wide world! I have posted it on my blog before too. I used to listen to it while walking after we originally backed out from adopting Ashlyn. I was so torn inside. I knew she was ours but things were just so blurry. I didn't know how God was going to work it out... But boy did He!!! Keep waiting and walking in obedience! He IS working while you're waiting.