Friday, June 15, 2012

The Sam book

Gabe loves reading books and his newest interest is in Dr. Suess books.  Particularly The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham.   Approximately 47 times a day I hear "cat in the hat" or "Sam book."  Gabe calls Green Eggs and Ham "Sam book" and that provides a new revelation about why he likes the story.  Does he like it because of its silly rhymes and the whimsical, lyrical way it reads or does Gabe like it because of Sam, the main character who shares his name with his cousin, Sammy.  Because I want to think I make reading Green Eggs and Ham fun, we'll go with he likes it for both reasons.  Although if I'm honest, I know Gabe's interest was spiked the first time he heard the words "I am Sam."

To help bring the story to life for Gabe, we made green eggs and (and blueberries) for dinner last night.  He ate the eggs much faster than usual, and reading the book while he ate was definitely an added bonus!


Dardi said...

Kendi is TOTALLY into "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?" Funny thing is, I have no idea where this came from. We have always loved Dr. Seuss books, but I am seriously not remembering this one! So, it's been fun to experience "new material"!

Steve & Megan said...

Best. Mama. Ever.