Monday, August 26, 2013

Pint Sized Grocery Buggy's

Years ago I would walk through Trader Joes and see little ones with their parents.  Unlike other grocery stores, Trader Joe's provides mini buggy's for little shoppers to use.  I'd see little children pushing a buggy and think one day... one day we'll have a little one who will push their own buggy while we shop.  

And Thursday, that one day was here.  A quick trip into the grocery store was made a lot more memorable when Gabe wanted to walk and push a buggy.  

He was a little reckless plowing through the aisles but kind enough to say "excuse me" rather than his usual "watch out."  And the staff at Trader Joes was awesome.  We're here about once a week so I'm certain they recognize our blond haired little boy and he's usually sitting in his buggy.  Gabe received two "good job big boys" from the staff and a kind, silver haired woman told him he was doing a great job "helping his mommy." 

I was one very proud mommy.  My boy was walking, pushing his grocery buggy and he was kind.  

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