Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And the Cast Saga continues

Gabe is such a trooper!! While sleeping seems no easier for him, he's doing much better during the day. He's figured out how to roll, scoot and wiggle his way around. And just last night, Gabe managed to do an actual crawl like sequence using both his right cast and left hand!

We're making progress people!

After a conversation with Gabe's therapists where I voiced my concerns about Gabe and our expectations. Expectations that Matt and I wondered were too high; ones that we were using to work Gabe towards being normal instead of to what he's capable of being. After assurances from both Ms KC and Ms Danielle that Gabe is capable and they wouldn't be working him this hard/like this, if they weren't 100% sure he was able to do what we are asking of him.

Yesterday and today Gabe has continued to make little bits of progress. Pushing buttons on his Vtech school bus caused Matt and I to act like fools, but Gabe enjoyed it and continued trying to push it. Playing the indian game with his Nonnie today, using his left hand was another one of those small bits of progress. Knocking down blocks when we were visiting with friends for dinner tonight, with his left hand was a little bit of icing on the proverbial cake.

How did we start making progress? By using Gabe's sitter chair to keep Gabe still and spending 1 - 2 hours working just with lefty. Although he would prefer to knock things around the room using his cast, Gabe has tried so hard to use his left hand. When he can't grasp something or is unable to manipulate his hand the way I'm trying to show him, he gets frustrated. Thankfully, Gabe's resilliance is astonishing and he's ready to try again.

We are so proud of you, Gabe! You're strength, persevearance and willingness to try is amazing!

Gabe sitting in his chair ready to work!

Taking a tubby in his duckie :) With a blue bag covering his cast!

Now the only question that remains is will Gabe get his cast off tomorrow or will we, in light of the recent strides, leave it on a short time longer hoping to achieve just a little bit more success.

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