Thursday, January 13, 2011


Wow!! There has been no time to blog! And boy have I missed it. The millions of thoughts in my head get extraordinarily convoluted when I don't put them on paper (err... computer).

Alas, time is still not my friend so I'll give you a shortened version of our life:
  • Flu - Matt had the flu about 3 weeks ago, then Gabe caught it and then I caught it. And now I have it again. I'm fine as long as I don't eat or drink [smile] anything but water, Gatorade and 7up. Chocolate milk and mashed potatoes were the poor choices I made today.
  • Casts - Cast #2 (and #3) didn't work very well thanks to Gabe's wiggly fingers so we've moved to the right arm restricter cast. More about Gabe and his casts tomorrow.
  • Bible Reading - I am on Day 14 of Bossing my Heart to read my Bible daily... and I've only missed 2 days, one of which was a catch up day. So, technically I've only missed one, and while I failed early in the 'every day' aspect, I'm still impressed that I haven't stopped.
  • Adoption - Why does it take so long to fill out the profiles. They're about us, it shouldn't be so hard to answer questions. Alas, it is but they're going out in the mail tomorrow so we have another thing checked off our tremendously long list.
  • Feelings - Another reason I've stayed away from blogging is because I've been disappointed and had my feelings hurt by some friends that I had assumed would be for me no matter what happened. Evidently I was wrong and I'm working on processing my feelings. I didn't really want to blog about it but as it's still out there (or in there) bothering me and keeping me from blogging about other stuff I figured I'd throw it out there.
  • Kitchen - during the summer our sewer line broke resulting in a wall being removed in both our kitchen and bathroom. This of course happened the week Matt started going to summer school 4 nights a week and with our crazy, busy (albeit beautiful) life it is now done! The wall looks perfect and I love the new green I picked out. I tried to get a good picture of my kitchen but it's a bit on the tiny side and I couldn't get a good picture to show off the lovely green color.
  • Kindle - I recieved a Kindle for Christmas and it is fantastic! I love it!!! The Kindle fits perfectly in my diaper bag, is easy to read and best of all, Amazon has a ton of free books. I love just about anything that is free!! However, I've started reading(rereading) the Chronicles of Narnia and do love the feel of a book in my hands!

Well, that's a quick catch up on life!! Hoping the new year has left you blessed, refreshed and thankful!

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