Saturday, January 1, 2011


I usually don't make New Years Resolutions... I always get flustered and discouraged when I'm not exercising enough, losing weight or turning into this fabulous person, etc. So a few years ago I just gave up on them. Said no more! I wasn't going to set myself up to fail.

But this year I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and set up some resolutions, or goals per se, for the coming year.

My first goal is to read my Bible daily and read the entire thing in a year. Seems easy enough considering I love to read and have downloaded 2 different Bibles on my Kindle. To keep on track I'm joining the Patterson's Boss Your Heart Bible Challenge in order of their daughter Chrissie. I'm doing the OwnIt 365 plan. You can find lots of different Bible reading plans here.

Goal number 2 is to get more organized while being less compulsive about order. As Gabe becomes more and more mobile and can get into just about everything, I'm learning that my type-A, obsessive-compulsive personality is turning into a complication. Learning to maintain organization while letting Gabe explore the way a 16 month old is expected to all while not going crazy to keep perfect order will probably be the most difficult challenge.

Being content is my 3rd goal. Finding myself easily stressed or overwhelmed about the little things always seems so foolish in retrospect so I'm going to try to find contentment in the chaos. Content with what we have, where we're going and what we're doing. Again it feels like a lofty challenge, but I think by reflecting on my many blessings will be the best place to start.

I pray this year brings you good health, happiness and a way to find peace and contenment admist the chaos of everyday life.

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors,
and let each new year find you a better man.
~Benjamin Franklin


Alison said...

Great goals for the new year!! Happy New Year to ya'll!!

Mari Bryant- Marks said...

I've been reading. I just haven't had the right words. So I finally decided that all I can do is tell you that I am praying for your family and your loss. :)