Saturday, June 25, 2011


For the first time since we've been in Texas I've had the worst desire to be home. The desire that if money really did grow on trees, Gabe and I would have had taken the first flight out of Houston.

My mom's been battling a headache for the past two weeks and was admitted into the hospital on Friday. So far her tests have all been good and I'm thanking God for that but she still has a few more tests to do. Hopefully the doctors will figure everything out, get her pain under control and she'll be released soon. I'm still hoping she'll be able to fly here next Saturday as planned but definitely not holding my breath. Of course, I don't want to rush her recovery either. I'm selfish, but not that selfish.

Besides us being in Houston, my dad is in Germany! While my brothers (and sister-in-laws) are at home with my mom; sitting with her, taking care of her and keeping me up to date. It's just not the same!

I was born with the 'mothering' gene. I need to be there. To ask questions, inspect IV bags and see for myself that my mom is okay. But right now, that's just not possible. We move into our house Tuesday (or Wednesday), utilities are being turned on Tuesday as well as the Internet provider and appliance delivery coming Tuesday as well. Coupled with the fact that a plane ticket would cost an arm and a leg (literally) and I'm working on setting up all of Gabe's appointments it was just not feasible to come home. Especially since my brothers are there and my dad will be home tomorrow.

So tonight as we drove home from the outlets for a little retail therapy, I was soul searching for some comfort. Actually retail therapy wasn't the plan but I found a super cute dress for $20 and who can resist a deal that good? Anyways, Matt turned the radio on and Chris Tomlin's Our God (Is Greater) was playing. I turned the radio louder and just sat and let his words run over me. By the end I found more comfort in my soul then I'd had in days.

I love relishing in the peace only God can provide.

And because he's just so cute:

1 comment:

alissa said...

I just wanted to offer a word of encouragement. I hope you settle into your home soon and that Gabe takes to it quickly. I pray your mother finds relief soon. My son is 21 months and he has the same heart melting smile that Gabe has. Warm wishes from Mississippi.