Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday is almost here

Last night I had a couple moments of desperation when I realized that after Friday Gabriel is going to look different. For the first time in his 15 months, 2 weeks of life when we look at him, we'll see both of his beautiful eyes.

A few months back I wrote that Gabe's eye doctor ordered surgery to correct the ptosis (weak eyelid) of his right eye. After months of insurance wrangling and Cole Eye Institute telephone stalking everything is finally in order and Gabe's surgery is scheduled for this coming Friday.
Last night I had a couple moments of desperation when I realized that after Friday Gabriel is not going to look like Gabriel anymore. Sure, almost everything is going to be the same but he's going to look different. For the first time in his 15 month, 2 week life he will be able to see out of both eyes. For the first time, Gabe will be able to see out of both the eyes the Lord gifted him with.

And vision is a gift from God. And as Gabe's parents it is our job to ensure he uses all the gifts God blessed him with so Friday morning we'll head back downtown so that Gabe has every opportunity to see, clearly and with both his eyes.
Of course we would appreciate your prayers as any type of surgery comes with risk.
A few pictures of our little bookworm.

We had to do a little rearranging to make room for our Christmas tree and after moving the bookcase where Gabe's books were, we decided to make them more accessible by placing them on the shelf closest to the ground. And now Gabe can be found pulling books out, piling them up and perusing through them at his leisure.


Alison said...

Will be praying that Gabe's surgery goes great!!!

Becky said...

You know that we will be praying! Will be watching for updates as the day progresses. Love and peace to you all!