Monday, September 24, 2012

Gabe Update

Surgery went great on Friday.  Thank you so much for the prayers. 
Recovery?  Well, it could have been much worse.  He woke up a little bit better from the anesthesia than the last time but it was still pretty heartbreaking.  Especially now that he can articulate how he's feeling.  The first time he said "eyes hurt Mommy" I'm pretty sure my heart broke.   But knowing Gabe does best in his own environment we quickly had the nurse remove his IV and we readied to head back to Nonny and Papo's house. 
Now?  He's taking pain medication (benefit to being able to tell us if he's in pain) and antibiotic eye drops.  He does not like the eye drops but he does them like a champ.  Lies down, holds still... poor little guy.  The white of his eye is all blood red and looks so uncomfortable and we've been having him sleep in bed with me so that I can prevent him from rubbing his eye through the  night.  He really likes to try to rub his eye when he sleeps. 
But the biggest hurdle?  Trying to keep Gabe calm.  The nurse told us no rough housing for a week.  Gabe's favorite activity is wrestling.  After wrestling it's jumping on the bed.  Gabe has an endless amount of energy so trying to convince him to be as still as possible is pretty impossible. 
At the hospital Friday morning.

Playing on the iPad while he waited. 
It will be 4 - 6 weeks before we see results to his surgery but I have high hopes that his eyes will be working together better soon. 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am so happy to hear Gabe is doing well. I love you gabers!!!