Thursday, September 20, 2012


Tomorrow we'll be heading to the Cleveland Clinic for Gabe's eye surgery. 
His 3rd eye surgery. 
 And I know in the grand scheme of things it's just eye surgery. 
But it's surgery on my baby. 
I know Dr. R will work his magic and the surgery will go well.
It's after the surgery that I'm most worried about. 
Gabe has some trouble waking up from the anesthesia. 
Not waking up per se but the in between part of sleeping and waking up.
Poor little one gets stuck in that little phase and gets terrified.
If you'd be inclined, please join us in praying for Gabe.
For the surgery.  His safety.  And his security. 
Thank you, dear ones.

Gabe at his  pre-op physical. 

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