Sunday, September 16, 2012

Zoo Family Fun

A family Saturday at the zoo.  It may have been a little hot and slightly humid.  But we persevered and our goal of a fun, family day at the zoo was accomplished! 

This was such a beautiful tree.  Hundreds of years old and perfect for tree climbing.  This would look awesome in our back yard!
A little  piece of our heart could be found at the zoo.
Elephants and elephant bath time.  Watching the elephants have a bath was a lot of fun!
A crocodile with Gabe's reflection
Every self respecting zoo in the south has a splash pad to cool off when the days are hot.  This mama just needs to remember that a second set of clothing isn't enough - bathing suit and towel are definitely on the list for next time! 
Gabe and his Daddy
Visiting the Dinosaur Exhibit was a must on our list of animals to visit!
Ornithomymus aka Dinosaur Train Conductor
The zoo is one of my favorite places to visit, Gabe usually loves it and Daddy is warming up to more frequent visits! 

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